We are an interdisciplinary group of theoretical physicists and chemists located at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw. We are a part of the Department of Modeling Complex Systems at the Institute of Theoretical Physics. We are also a part of Centre for Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics.
We work on the intersection of theoretical atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) physics and quantum chemistry. We are primary interested in engineering novel controllable quantum molecular systems for both fundamental research and upcoming quantum technologies.
Research topics investigated in our group include:
- Formation, dynamics, and control of ultracold molecules in external fields
- Ultracold controlled collisions and chemical reactions
- Cold mixtures of ions, atoms, and molecules
- Magnetically tunable Feshbach resonances in ultracold gases
- Accurate ab initio electronic structure calculations for small molecules
- Molecular precision measurements for fundamental physics
- Quantum dynamics and simulations with quantum few-body and many-body systems
Research highlights:
- M. Z. Walewski, M. D. Frye, O. Katz, M. Pinkas, R. Ozeri, M. Tomza
Quantum control of ion-atom collisions beyond the ultracold regime
Science Adv. 11, eadr8256 (2025) - Y.-X. Liu, L. Zhu, J. Luke, M. C. Babin, M. Gronowski, H. Ladjimi, M. Tomza, J. L. Bohn, T. V. Tscherbul, K.-K. Ni
Hyperfine-to-rotational energy transfer in ultracold atom-molecule collisions
Nature Chem. in press (2025) - S. Finelli, A. Ciamei, B. Restivo, M. Schemmer, M. Inguscio, A. Trenkwalder, K. Zaremba-Kopczyk, M. Gronowski, M. Tomza, M. Zaccanti
Ultracold LiCr: a new pathway to quantum gases of paramagnetic polar molecules
PRX Quantum 5, 020358 (2024) - J. J. Park, H. Son, Y.-K. Lu, T. Karman, M. Gronowski, M. Tomza, A. O. Jamison, W. Ketterle
Spectrum of Feshbach resonances in NaLi + Na collisions
Phys. Rev. X 13, 031018 (2023) - P. Weckesser, F. Thielemann, D. Wiater, A. Wojciechowska, L. Karpa, K. Jachymski, M. Tomza, T. Walker, T. Schaetz
Observation of Feshbach resonances between a single ion and ultracold atoms
Nature 600, 429 (2021) - T. Feldker, H. Fürst, H. Hirzler, N. V. Ewald, M. Mazzanti, D. Wiater, M. Tomza, R. Gerritsma
Buffer gas cooling of a trapped ion to the quantum regime
Nature Phys. 16, 413 (2020) - A. D. Dörfler, P. Eberle, D. Koner, M. Tomza, M. Meuwly, S. Willitsch
Long-range versus short-range effects in cold molecular ion-neutral collisions
Nature Commun. 10, 5429 (2019) - T. Schmid, C. Veit, N. Zuber, R. Löw, T. Pfau, M. Tarana, M. Tomza
Rydberg molecules for ion-atom scattering in the ultracold regime
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 153401 (2018) - M. Tomza
Energetics and control of ultracold isotope-exchange reactions between heteronuclear dimers in external fields
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 063201 (2015) - M. Tomza, R. Gonzalez-Ferez, C. P. Koch, R. Moszynski
Controlling magnetic Feshbach resonances in polar open-shell molecules with non-resonant light
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 113201 (2014)
- T. Karman, M. Tomza, J. Pérez-Ríos
Ultracold Chemistry: a testbed for theoretical few-body physics
Nature Phys. 20, 722 (2024) - M. Tomza
Collision detection with logic
Nature Phys. 18, 493 (2022) - M. Tomza, K. Jachymski, R. Gerritsma, A. Negretti, T. Calarco, Z. Idziaszek, P. S. Julienne
Cold hybrid ion-atom systems
Rev. Mod. Phys. 91, 035001 (2019)
- A. Dawid, J. Arnold, B. Requena, A. Gresch, M. Płodzień, K. Donatella, K. Nicoli, P. Stornati, R. Koch, M. Büttner, R. Okuła, G. Muñoz–Gil, R. A. Vargas–Hernández, A. Cervera-Lierta, J. Carrasquilla, V. Dunjko, M. Gabrié, P. Huembeli, E. van Nieuwenburg, F. Vicentini, L. Wang, S. J. Wetzel, G. Carleo, E. Greplová, R. Krems, F. Marquardt, M. Tomza, M. Lewenstein, A. Dauphin
Machine learning in quantum sciences
Cambridge University Press in press (2025) / arxiv (2023)
Research meetings:
- Workshop on ultracold molecules, 24-27.06.2025, Warsaw, Poland
- Candela Open Lectures: Bose-Einstein Condensates, 5.03-23.04.2025, online
- Quantum Optics XI, 1-5.09.2025, Kraków, Poland
- 13th International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry, 9-12.07.2024, Warsaw, Poland
- Workshop on ultracold molecules, 5-8.09.2023, Warsaw, Poland
- Workshop on cold hybrid ion-atom systems, 8-10.06.2022, Warsaw, Poland
- International Conference on Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems, 16-20.05.2022, Warsaw, Poland
- Quantum Optics X, 5-11.09.2021, Toruń, Poland
- Summer School: Machine Learning in Quantum Physics and Chemistry, 24.08-3.09.2021, Warsaw, Poland
- 1st Symposium on Cold Interactions and Collisions 16.03.2019, Warsaw, Poland
Group photos:
Autumn 2024
Spring 2023
Autumn 2021
Summer 2019