March 2024
Kacper Cybiński was awarded the scholarship for outstanding undergraduate students by Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education.
November 2023
Jacek Gębala and Michał Suchorowski won the Preludium grants from the National Science Centre, Poland.
November 2023
Jacek Dobrzyniecki’s paper was published in Phys. Rev. A (link).
November 2023
Jacek Gębala’s paper was published in Phys. Rev. A (link).
November 2023
Hela Ladjimi’s paper was published in Phys. Rev. A (link).
October 2023
Michał Suchorowski went for a two-month-long research internship to the Univeristy of Tokyo in Japan.
September 2023
Jace Gębala went for a six-month-long research internship to the JILA at the University of Colorado in Boulder in the USA.
July 2023
Dr. Anna Dawid-Łękowska won the distinction in the Polish Physical Society’s contest for the best Ph.D. thesis in Physics in Poland in 2022.
June 2023
Tomasz Bednarek won the Prof. Rychlewski Award of the Polish Chemical Society for the best M.Sc. thesis in quantum chemistry in Poland in 2022.
March 2023
Kacpter Cybiński went for a three-month-long research internship at the Flatiron Institute in New York City, USA.
March 2023
Agata Wojciechowska was awarded the scholarship for outstanding undergraduate students by Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education.
December 2022
Martyna Osada won the Gold medal in Chemistry Award for the best BSc thesis in chemistry in Poland.
November 2022
Agata Wojciechowska won the Preludium grant from the National Science Centre, Poland.
November 2022
Jacek Gębala won the Fulbright Junior Research Award Fellowship to visit JILA at the University of Colorado in Boulder.
November 2022
Martyna Osada went for a one-mrship for ouonth-long research internship to the Michigan State University in the USA.
October 2022
Michał Suchorowsk’s paper was published in Phys. Rev. A (link).
August 2022
Kacpter Cybiński went for a one-month-long research internship to ICFO – the Institute of Photonic Sciences in Barcelona, Spain.
June 2022
Maks Walewski went for a one-month-long research internship to the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.
May 2022
Prof. Michał Tomza won the Opus grant from from the National Science Centre, Poland.
May 2022
Anna Dawid-Łękowska won the START Stipend for young talented researchers from the Foundation for Polish Science.
May 2022
Agata Wojciechowska went for a one-month-long research internship to the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden, Germany.
February 2022
Dr hab. Michał Tomza was promoted to the university professor (tenured associate professor).
January 2022
Dr hab. Michał Tomza won the Starting grant from the European Research Council (ERC).
January 2022
Dr hab. Michał Tomza went for an six-week-long research visit to the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena in USA.
December 2021
Dr hab. Michał Tomza was elected a member of the Polish Young Academy of the Polish Academy of Sciences
November 2021
Agata Wojciechowska went for a one-month-long research internship to the University of Granada in Spain.
November 2021
Dr hab. Michał Tomza received Prof. Stefan Pieńkowski Award in Physics from the Polish Academy of Sciences.
November 2021
Anna Dawid-Łękowska’s paper was published in Mach. Learn.: Sci. Technol. (link).
November 2021
Jacek Gębala went for a one-month-long research internship to JILA at the University of Colorada in Boulder, USA.
October 2021
Dr hab. Michał Tomza received the Prime Minister’s Award for the best habilitation in physics in Poland in 2020.
October 2021
Klaudia Zaremba-Kopczyk’s paper was published in Phys. Rev. A (link).
September 2021
Marcin Kalinowski won the distinction in the Polish Physical Society’s contest for the best M.Sc. thesis in Physics in Poland in 2020.
July 2021
Michał Suchorowski went for a three-month-long research internship to the Institute of Science and Technology Austria in Vienna.
June 2021
Marcin Kalinowski won the Maria Bardadin-Otwinowska Award for the best M.Sc. thesis at the Faculty of Physics in 2020.
February 2021
Adam Koza was awarded the scholarship for outstanding undergraduate students by Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education.
January 2021
Michał Śmiałkowski’s paper was published in Phys. Rev. A (link).
December 2020
Anna Dawid-Łękowska’s paper was published in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (link).
December 2020
Dr hab. Michał Tomza received the Fulbright STEM Impact Award from the Polish-American Fulbright Commission.
November 2020
Dr hab. Michał Tomza received the Young Scientist Medal Award from the Warsaw University of Technology.
November 2020
Anna Dawid-Łękowska’s paper was published in New. J. Phys. (link).
October 2020
Dr hab. Michał Tomza received the National Science Centre Award for exceptional scientific achievements in Physical Sciences and Engineering.
July 2020
Anna Dawid-Łękowska and Dariusz Wiater won the Etiuda fellowships from the National Science Centre, Poland.
May 2020
Klaudia Zaremba-Kopczyk won the Preludium grant from the National Science Centre, Poland.
March 2020
Marcin Kalinowski has been accepted for PhD studies at Berkeley, Caltech, Harvard, Maryland, and MIT. He will go to Harvard University.
March 2020
Marcin Kalinowski went for a three-month-long research internship to the University of Tokyo in Japan.
February 2020
Our article was published in Nature Phys. (link) and highlighted in News & Views (link), Nature Research Highlights (link), and Physics World (link).
Janury 2020
Michał Śmiałkowski’s paper was published in Phys. Rev. A (link).
December 2019
Marcin Kalinowski was awarded the scholarship for outstanding undergraduate students by Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education.
December 2019
Adam Koza got a distinction at the Golden Medal of Chemistry competition for the best B.Sc. thesis in Chemistry in Poland
November 2019
Our article was published in Nature Commun. (link).
November 2019
Anna Dawid won the Preludium grant from the National Science Centre, Poland.
September 2019
Dr Michał Tomza became the finalist of the Scientific Awards competition by Tygodnik POLITYKA (the Politics magazine) (link).
August 2019
Paweł Wójcik moved to the University of Southern California to pursue Ph.D. studies.
July 2019
Our review article was published in Rev. Mod. Phys. (link).
June 2019
Paweł Wójcik’s paper was published in J. Chem. Phys. and highlighted as Editor’s Pick and Featured on the cover page (link).
May 2019
Dr. Michał Tomza went for an three-month-long research visit to University of Innsbruck in Austria.
December 2018
Paweł Wójcik was awarded the scholarship for outstanding undergraduate students by Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education.
November 2018
Anna Dawid went for a six-month-long research internship to ICFO – the Institute of Photonic Sciences in Barcelona, Spain.
September 2018
Anna Dawid won the Prof. Rychlewski Award of the Polish Chemical Society for the best M.Sc. thesis in quantum chemistry in Poland in 2017.
September 2018
Klaudia Zaremba-Kopczyk’s paper was published in Phys. Rev. A (link).
August 2018
Dr. Michał Tomza won the First Team grant from the Foundation for Polish Science.
July 2018
Dr. Michał Tomza won the Fellowship to visit ERC grantee – Uwertura grant from the National Science Centre, Poland.
June 2018
Paweł Wójcik went for a three-month-long research internship to ICFO – the Institute of Photonic Sciences in Barcelona, Spain.
June 2018
Anna Dawid’s paper was published in Phys. Rev. A and highlighted as Editors’ Suggestion (link).
February 2018
Klaudia Zaremba-Kopczyk went for a three-week-long internship to the University of Stuttgart, Germany.
January 2018
The Laboratory of Quantum Molecular Systems was transferred to the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw.
December 2017
Klaudia Zaremba-Kopczyk and Paweł Wójcik were awarded the scholarship for outstanding undergraduate students by Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education.
November 2017
Dr. Michał Tomza went for an one-month-long research visit to ITAMP at Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA.
October 2017
Dr. Michał Tomza won the Falling Walls Lab Warsaw – a science communication competition – and will represent Poland at the international final in Berlin.
September 2017
Anna Dawid went for a three-month-long research internship to the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan.
June 2017
Paweł Wójcik went for a ten-week-long research internship to the University of Rochester, NY, USA.
May 2017
Dr. Michał Tomza won the Opus grant from the National Science Centre, Poland.
March 2017
Dr. Michał Tomza won the Homing grant from the Foundation for Polish Science.
December 2016
Anna Dawid was awarded the scholarship for outstanding undergraduate students by Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education.
November 2016
Dr. Michał Tomza went for an one-month-long research visit to the University of California at Santa Barbara, CA, USA.
October 2016
Dr. Michał Tomza was awarded the scholarship for outstanding young scientists by Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education.
September 2016
The Laboratory of Quantum Molecular Systems was established at the Centre of New Technologies of the University of Warsaw.
May 2016
Dr. Michał Tomza won the Sonata grant from the National Science Centre, Poland.